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Showing posts from November, 2014

20 December 2010

It was our wedding anniversary yesterday and I can't believe it has been 4 years already. I was looking back on some of our photos from the day (courtesy of the wonderful Todd Hunter McGaw ) and was just thinking how so much has happened and how we've been through so much.  Love you Mr - the little Miss and I are so lucky to have you xx

From Mothers to Daughters: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

I recently saw this post titled "From Mothers to Daughters: Do as I Say, Not as I Do" and I wanted to share it as it was a nice little reminder for me and I hope it is for others too. Prompted by an article in the Atlantic titled "the Confidence Gap ' (which is also an interesting read), Kathryn Sollman writes, Too many professional women hold themselves back from the big promotion or raise and too many others believe they made an irrevocable choice to leave the workforce. All wish much bigger career achievements—and more confidence–for their daughters...  In my view, however, there is a big disconnect. I see this spectrum of women—those who work in and out of the paid workforce—in my community, at my child’s school and in my professional work. All of these women encourage the utmost confidence and achievement in their daughters—but not in themselves...     It would be hard to find a woman in my personal and professional circles who isn’t ...