I follow Rebecca Judd on instagram and she wrote this great post recently on her blog responding to an article about parent shaming and bullying. I really like what she wrote and agree with many of her points. I don't want to get into a debate on my blog about who is 'right' or 'wrong' but I agree that there seems to be an awful lot of ' judgy -ness' out there that is just completely unnecessary. Breast feeding vs formula feeding Stay at home parents vs working parents Natural birth vs c-section Kids vs no kids Married vs unmarried and the list goes on.. Bec touches on celebrity bashing in her post but I know many of us have been subjected to it in our day to day lives. I have had all sorts of judgy comments thrown my way eg I am sending my kid to daycare when she is too young, why do I want to work full time and leave my kid, did I feel ok about having a c-section (like it was a bad thing), why did I only take 5.5 months off for maternity l...